The One Holy Source is Your
God-Self and Your True Guru

imaginary god

** Spiritual Disclaimer**

At, we fervently believe in the power of spirituality to enhance one's life journey. However, it is imperative to recognize the following:

**1. No Guarantees of Divine Intervention:** While we provide spiritual guidance and resources, we cannot guarantee that your prayers will be answered, your chakras aligned, or your aura cleansed to your satisfaction. Divine intervention is subject to mysterious cosmic forces beyond our control.

**2. Individual Spiritual Experiences May Vary:** Each person's spiritual journey is unique, like a snowflake drifting in the wind or a kaleidoscope of consciousness. Therefore, your experience with our spiritual teachings may differ from others', and we cannot be held responsible for any disappointment arising from unfulfilled expectations of instant enlightenment.

**3. Consultation with a Higher Power Recommended:** Our spiritual advice is not a substitute for divine consultation. We highly recommend seeking guidance from the supreme deity of your choice before embarking on any spiritual practices. We cannot be held liable for any spiritual conflicts or celestial misunderstandings that may arise from neglecting to consult with the Almighty.

**4. Side Effects May Include Enlightenment:** Engaging in deep spiritual practices may lead to unexpected side effects, such as sudden bursts of cosmic awareness, heightened empathy for all living beings, and an insatiable craving for kale smoothies. These side effects are normal and should be embraced as part of your spiritual evolution.

**5. Not a Substitute for Professional Therapy:** While spiritual enlightenment can be profoundly transformative, it is not a replacement for professional therapy or medical treatment. If you are experiencing severe existential crises, uncontrollable astral projections, or persistent visions of celestial beings, please seek the guidance of a qualified therapist or exorcist immediately.

By accessing the resources and teachings provided by, you acknowledge and accept these spiritual disclaimers. Remember, the path to enlightenment is like a cosmic rollercoaster ride – buckle up, hold onto your third eye, and enjoy the journey!

Behold this profound website, a bastion of wisdom and insight, an earnest endeavor to offer you a glimpse into the world of the "One Holy Source."

Prepare yourself, for you are about to embark on a journey that has the potential to challenge and expand your belief system. Sometimes a little disruption can be enlightening. I believe everything happens for a reason. For some reason you are here reading this. Why you are here is for you to decide. 

As human beings, we possess a remarkable inclination to regard our belief systems with reverence, as if they were the pinnacle of human understanding, the epitome of knowledge. Yet, let me humbly assert that all belief systems, even the ones that may perplex us, are valid expressions of the One Holy Source. Indeed, this inclusivity extends to those belief systems that might leave us scratching our heads in bewilderment.

And what of the world around us? From the intricacies of a smartphone to the laws governing the universe, and yes, even the diverse representations of a divine being in various cultures – all are facets of the same cosmic tapestry. We, as humans, are creators, and we manifest our creativity within the confines of these physical bodies.

Speaking of the divine, humanity has crafted an array of anthropomorphic deities throughout its history, each with its own following and mythology. However, it is crucial to recognize that the One Holy Source resists any attempt to confine it within the boundaries of human comprehension. The divine cannot be neatly defined, for it transcends any singular description or representation.

So, what, you may ask, is the underlying purpose of this exploration into matters of the spirit? It is, my dear readers, about self-realization or perhaps more accurately self-recognition.

Be it enlightenment, samadhi, or the pursuit of a deeper connection with the divine – these are different paths leading to the same destination. The key insight here is that we are already fully self-realized; there is no need for us to strive.

What we must do is recognize our innate greatness, acknowledging that we remain as created, creative extensions of the One Holy Source. It is more a matter of recognition rather that a process of realization.

Nevertheless, there is a persistent illusion of separateness that lingers within our consciousness. We often perceive ourselves as unique individuals or members of exclusive groups. Yet, the truth is that this separateness is illusory.

Concepts such as time and separateness exist only within the constructs of our minds, and our spiritual journey is an endeavor to transcend these illusions. Stumbles and setbacks are part and parcel of this path, for they offer us opportunities for growth. The key is to forgive ourselves and continue forward, a task that is simple, though far from easy.

Now, consider this notion – the practice of objective observation. It is an approach that invites us to view everything and everyone through the lens of unity, recognizing that all emanates from the One Holy Source, even that individual who may have cut you off in traffic this very morning.

And then there is the concept of death, an event often feared and mystified. Yet, as it turns out, death is not as daunting as we have been led to believe. Throughout history, the fear of death has been wielded as a powerful tool by certain religious belief systems. It is a reminder that our perception of reality can be shaped and manipulated to serve various agendas.

So, what can we glean from this spiritual journey? In the words "In God We Are One," we find a powerful mantra that, if repeated daily, may serve as a catalyst for transformation.

Chanting "In God We Ar One" has the potential to nurture inclusivity, tolerance, and compassion within us. As for our existing belief systems, there is no need to cast them aside; this can be an additional layer of understanding to complement your existing beliefs. Consider it the cosmic cherry on top.

In closing, dear readers, you have been treated to a blend of wit and spiritual insight. Share this message if you dare, and remember, we are all threads in the same tapestry, woven together by the One Holy Source. Even if we cannot fully fathom its essence, we can strive to embody the values of inclusivity, tolerance, and the profound journey of self-recognition, often referred to as self-realization. Here's to unity, understanding, and the cosmic voyage toward greater awareness.

Blue infinity